All products are Printed to Order and shipped directly from the Manufacturer. All items are inspected by 2 quality control officers before packing to ensure quality. Returns are accepted only if the products are received damaged from shipping or if there has been an error in the order. Larger items are insured through USPS. If there is shipping damage please contact us right away before attempting to return. Insurance does not cover damage due to customer error in application.

We reserve the right to refuse a return or issue a refund if the buyer damages the order after delivery or communicates with in an unlawful or offensive manner.

If the wrong order has been delivered we will exchange the order at no cost to the buyer.

Orders that are damaged upon delivery should be immediately refused if damage to shipping container is apparent at time of delivery. If your delivery person has left it, please take lots of pictures of damage before opening for insurance reasons.

If you ordered the wrong item and want to exchange it with the correct one, please contact us and we can help arrange an exchange. Please determine your correct items and sizes before ordering.

We cannot except returns on masks unless we sent the wrong item or item is damaged. Exchange requests are reviewed on a per order basis.

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